stop with the human feet im losing my will to glive
stop with the human feet im losing my will to glive
LMFAO Hi revie sorry
what is that amy
Pretty much what it looks like, just classic amy as faker
nice work
i find it personally difficult to see chinelin in the timeline and not just its own creepypasta, though pendrive has some merit being a prequel
i could find a way to connect chinelin sonic to blue pendrive. it all depends on how im going to execute it.
you looked way too deep into that title
not gonna cap, I probably did. yet a good excuse to have him wear something cool
what next, jeff the jury, judge, jeff the salesman, jeff the ripper, jeff the joker, jeff the
You just gave me an idea.
the only thing i liked out of that stupid forgotten remnant thing was the fact it reached political accounts, everything else was braindead
I don't think I'll ever really get over the fact that politicians got involved in EXE drama.
where da rake
the EXE model should be bigger, as the head is not meant to be shriveled down from the faker version. but these look pretty decent otherwise.
omg revie!!!
yea sorry about that i didnt notice until now but tysm!!
im doing my own thing
Digital Artist
tree nest in a cave
Joined on 2/28/21