This should've been something obvious from the start but, please refrain from drawing or using my old sonas. That's a part of my life I'd rather not have associated with me nor have people keep in mind whenever I'm brought up. Not just because of events but none of those designs I feel even close to comfortable representing me.
I know I can't stop the groups altogether who do this for kicks, but at the same time common basic respect is something I wish to regain. That being said, I know this will cause media to be made just because people find it funny to contrast, and there's nothing I can really do to stop that. Point is to be said, people still ought to know and recognize I'm not at all comfortable with it.
That leads into my second point, as being oblivious to common sense is a running theme: The sexualization or fetishization (genderbending and oversexualizing, fat fetish) around any creation of mine is something I detain and despise, ESPECIALLY FAKER/EXE.
I don't care the context, even if it's disguised as "irony”. It's disappointing and deplorable. All I ask is that you refrain from doing this shit altogether.
Bottom line is, stop saving and archiving, drawing and depicting, all this shit of my dead sonas or weird fetish shit with my characters. It’s creepy and repulsive. End of story.
Don’t expect this posting to be a regular thing still. I needed to acknowledge this as well.
EDIT: Another addition, while I encourage people to refrain from this NSFW content, I would also encourage people to delete said old NSFW or fetish content so it’s not stuck festering like an old wound. Thanks.